

Padmayam is a modality gifted by Traditional ancestors !

• Heals Soul Past , Present and future
• Align with Nature
• Increase personal energy higher positive vibration

7 Days Program

Goddess Program

We conduct one to one Goddess programs by customizing for individuals as per their interest and requirement !

Akashic Reading & Healing

The Akashic Records can be seen as a library in which a book of every soul is stored. Every soul has an individual book, also called an Akashic Record which contains information about the qualities of the soul, the lessons of the soul, past lives and connections that the soul had with other people.
In my introductory course I gave you all the tools to start working with the Akashic Records and to understand what the Akashic Records are. Please feel free to check out that course. It is a great course to get started if you are not so familiar with the records yet!

In this course we will dive deeper into the Akashic Records. All the knowledge of this course is based on what I have learned over the hundreds of readings I did within the Akashic Records.

In this course we will focus on what kind of healing we can do when we work with the Akashic Records.

We will discuss types of blockages .We will look at what they are exactly, how you can pick them up when you are working with a client and of course how you can heal them inside of yourself or how you can help your client to heal them. After this course you will be able to heal your own blockages but will also have collected amazing tools to heal blockages for other people.

7 Days Program

Tarot Card Reading

The Tarot card reading is very empowering tool to guide and inspire self and others ! The Tarot card is a divination tool that has been used from the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe before it made its way to India. It is the practice of using tarot cards to gain insight into the past, present, or future by formulating a question, then drawing and interpreting cards. Most people indulge in Tarot card reading as it plays a huge role in the betterment of humanity and living.

Benefits :
• Tarot is a helpful hand and guiding light.
• Gain Clarify on l and Love, money, career, goals, and general life path and much more • Inspire and guide others
• Derive guidance
• Tarot compliments any modality !

7 Days Program

Magical Beings

This is a Program about Angels, Fairies, Unicorns, Dragons, and much more it’s for the people who love to connect with light beings and Spirits of Nature.

7 Days Program

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