Divine Consultations

Tarot Card Reading

The tarot cards are the divination tool of 78 cards of pictorial representation , which guides us from our own higher consciousness and divine intelligence ! Tarot card reading helps in getting clarity of any situation of our life , and takes right decisions ! The session would be for one hour , unlimited questions ! Includes remedies to be followed as per the requirement of the client

Akashic Reading

Akashic records are a collection of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human. The Akashic records help identify the unchanging core of our own individual selves and help us understand and eventually confront the fears/phobias and other energetic blocks and patterns we carry through from childhood and even past lifetimes.

Shamanic Journey

If you seek Guidance and healing, I invite you to hear messages for you from your Soul. As a Shamanic Practitioner, I offer healing for highest good and to change and transform any aspects of lives. Through this work, I discover the root cause of a presenting issue and receive guidance from your Soul and Spirit on the message behind the issue. From this wisdom, we may begin to heal.

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