Energy Healing

Padmayam Healing

Padmayam guides and heals the past , present and Future of the Soul ! We heal with the elements of Nature , as the Nature has got so much to gift us and receive from us !

Goddess Healing

We work with all the goddess , and invoke the energies of the goddess and heal the various aspects of our lives by meditation upon goddess !


The shamanism Healing happen in the three worlds , the upper world , Middle world and the lower world and we heal the situation by the wisdom we receive from the soul of spirits !

Akashic Healing

Every person has their own unique Akashic Records, an individual’s Akashic Record is accessed and opened through their prior permission and all the relevant information, pertaining to all the blocks, restrictions and negative karmic patterns having an impact on their current lifetime, is fetched out. After finding the root cause of all those blocks and negative karmic patterns !

We can heal Inner child , relationships , Health , Business , Finances , Home , Spiritual growth and much more through Akashic healing !

Space Clearing

Space clearing can heal the energy in your home to remove blocks, stuck or stagnant energy, and get everything flowing in a positive, uplifting direction, that creates a life of balance, flow, and bliss.

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