Welcome to Padmayam Healing

Yaminnii N Sanjeev – Spiritual Facilitator and Coach

Yaminnii N Sanjeev

Yaminnii N Sanjeev (Spiritual Facilitator & Coach )

Founder of Padmayam


Yaminnii is blessed to  be born in Tirupathi , The land of divinity ! She was bought up with traditional culture and was always intrigued with rituals , divine activities , temples , and much more !


Since Childhood , Yaminnii has been interested in meditation and was very curious on occult science ,  she had Pursued her MBA  Specialized in Human resource management , and had been a successful HR Professional for more than ten years , while she was parellelly  learning Spiritual modalities like Reiki ,  Tarot card reading , Akashic reading and healing , Shamanism , Angel Healing , Crystal Healing , and much more She has learnt more than 150 modalities and has been practicing  !


Yaminnii Has created her own modality , Padmayam  which guides and heals the past , present and future of the Soul !


Our soul has a collective consciousness , it remembers everything and stores information of all the life times  ! Padmayam heals and clears the  trauma that we carry , so that the root cause is cleared and we manifest the life we desire and live happily !


Yaminni has transformed many lives , and is still inspiring people to accept self and others the way they are and address each and every emotion as all the emotions are important , we cannot run away from our own self ! once we acknowledge self we start seeing our outer world too magically changing

Padmayam is Legally Incorporated, on The 27th July, 2022!









Our Services

We welcome newcomers to join us at any of our healing services and join one of our vibrant community of people who have got good results.

Feel the Divine Padmayam healing and immerse yourself in our spiritual healing program with other like minded seekers.

Feel the Divine Padmayam healing and immerse yourself in our spiritual healing program with other like minded seekers.

Sucessful Stories

Loved by our customers

I had padMayam session with Yamini it was very relaxing ..thanks for it ...❤️


Hi, I know yaminnii mam for almost four years she is a good humanitarian person with highly spiritual values. she is always try new methods of Religious practices, reading many books(conduct tests also), participate in many spiritual rituals etc. she's tarot card technique is the one of the most fine and practically realized one. she's prediction will give Ray of hopes, joy and positive thoughts to me (as well as everyone) and prepared to face the future .spiritual Quotient are need of the hour hers best tutor and guidance for everyone is necessity for Inner peace. I know her as a friend too, I am lucky to get such nice friend( irrespective of age and gender).she is a good singer too😍


Very genuine and accurate answers to every solutions.


5 star rating on google review


*Experience of Padmayam session from Yaminnii* Got very deep into the meditation in the 15 minutes session. Definitely there was some Divine presence that I could feel and clearings were happening that I could feel @ the Chakras. Thanks💫🙏👍

Divine Consultations

Tarot Card Reading
Akashic Reading
Shamanic Journey

Energy Healing

Padmayam Healing 
Goddess Healing 
Akashic Healing 
Space Clearing 

Coaching & Mentoring

 Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP )


Goddess Program 
Tarot Card Reading 
Akashic Reading & Healing
Magical Beings 


Retreats in Nature  to heal body , mind and Soul 


Gift Sessions

Goddess Healing sessions on EveryFriday 
Feel and Heal with Yaminnii
Pet Healing 

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